Jiwan Shakti

Jiwan Shakti Kaur is a KRI certified Mentor and Lead Trainer for Level 1, Level 2, and the 21 Stages of Meditation. 

Since our life on this planet is a human experience, the centre of her studies has always been the human body from various angles, including body language (Yogic Body Language) and the proper use of the brain by controlling our biochemistry to achieve a healthy, happy and holistic life (The Happy Hormones). Her scientific approach, knowledge of KY, great communicative talent, and sense of humour have led her to teach in Europe, North Africa and Latin America.

Jiwan Shakti is the co-founder of SunGalaa, and the co-founder and president of KYE - Kundalini Yoga Europa.


The Heart In The Head
the biochemistry of feeling

Kundalini Yoga & Neuroscience
Jiwan Shakti Kaur

We are used to thinking that the heart has nothing to do with the head. That what goes on in the brain has nothing to do with what goes on in our hearts.
In reality, this is not exactly the case.
To be Heart to Heart we need this union to be established between our neurons as well. For the brain to release the biochemistry necessary for us to feel the closeness that our heart yearns for and is entitled to. That it makes us feel welcomed, valued and protected. Read: Happy.

Come and find out with a simple questionnaire how your "happy hormones" levels are and how Kundalini Yoga can help you keep them in balance for staying happily Heart to Heart.

Yogic Body Language
how the feeling of the heart shapes the body

Journey to discover the most spoken and least known language.

The body is our greatest means of communication. And it constantly speaks about us. To us and others.

All our experiences are stored in our cells, in the deepest fibres of our muscles. And each of our blocks (physical, emotional, mental or psychological) corresponds to a reflex reaction in the body (our deepest memory).

Thus, what our hearts have experienced, both joys and sorrows, bliss and wounds, fear and courage, have contributed to the way we move, stand, and gesticulate.
So, it does not matter what we say in words, but how we say it and whether the verbal and physical communication are in tune.
Because it is precisely when they are not that conflicts arise and relationships break down. And, in most cases, we don't even know why.

Knowing the meaning of this reflection and what it is talking about becomes the key to freeing ourselves from our past. The way to cleanse and make our communication and our very existence, consistent with who we are.

Using the ancient wisdom of Kundalini Yoga, we will make a simultaneous, yogic translation of our body language: from gestures to emotions, from postures to feelings.
We will then be able to better understand ourselves and others.
To be truly Heart to Heart.